East Coast Streamers

Adventures in the Guest House

We are constantly looking for fun and useful stuff for RV travel and home.

Below are links to a few of our favorites.

We only recommend items we actually have purchased and use.

There are so many things we all buy, use once, and realize they were a useless waste of money, too expensive, a uni-tasker that takes up too much space, or a fleeting fad that really doesn’t add any joy beyond the first few uses. We will always look for things that provide good value for the price. Some may be very inexpensive because the item should be inexpensive. When we chose items that are a bit more expensive than similar items, it’s because the quality of the more expensive item made it more useful, long lasting, and worth the extra cost.

These items are tried and true and we’ll update with newer versions or newer designs as we discover and try them out. Let us know if you have found household or travel items that you love and want to recommend.

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